القائمة الرئيسية



Wccf (Where Consumers Come First) tech is a leading technology publication house which serves a diverse readership from the Americas, EMEA and APAC regions. Our origin dates back to 2004 as a small forum for technology enthusiasts. Since then, Wccftech has transformed into one of the most widely visited media platforms in the world (it is among the top 15 most commented websites, globally). Our information and reporting services cover everything from the wide ranging technology industry and PC hardware to gaming, mobile and general technology. We also conduct in-depth technical and financial analysis leveraging our advanced knowledge of the industry for exclusive reports.

Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide consumers with the latest infotainment on industries they follow as well as advanced market intelligence to allow them to make informed decisions.

Vision Statement: To push the frontier of advanced reporting and be the quintessential publication house for all things technology.

If you are a marketer looking for ways to connect your brand with our audience, please contact us at sales@cftech.com
